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    The growth rate of the construction machinery industry slows down

    Author:Click:491 Release time:2016-07-08

    In response to the slowdown in the growth rate of the construction machinery industry, especially the sharp decline in the sales of some leading products, the "inflection point theory" has been heard all the time. Some people in the industry believe that a new turning point in the development of construction machinery has emerged. It is difficult to reproduce the high growth of the industry in the past, and it may show a low growth posture in the future, and even decline in several months.

    The president of China Construction Machinery Industry Association analyzed that, generally speaking, the sales of the construction machinery industry are divided into off-season and peak seasons. The slight decline in sales in April is a normal seasonal fluctuation. However, a 30% drop in the entire industry in April 2011 is indeed rare. The main reason is that the previous sales overdraft and macroeconomic regulation have led to a decline in market demand.

    Since the beginning of this year, in order to regulate the macro economy, a series of financial policies have been introduced to restrict credit lines in industries such as real estate. The impact of the credit crunch on the construction machinery industry is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is affecting the downstream demand of the industry, mainly due to the delay in the construction progress of some construction projects in progress, and the delay of the start of some originally planned projects; the second is affecting the construction machinery As for the marketing efforts of enterprises, starting in April, some enterprises have strengthened risk control and voluntarily reduced the proportion of credit sales. At present, the impact of credit tightening on the sales of construction machinery cannot be quantified, and it is expected that the sales situation will be affected throughout the year.

    The Secretary General of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association explained that when the financial crisis came, China's construction machinery industry experienced negative growth and fell to the bottom; after the implementation of the 4 trillion economic stimulus plan, a series of construction projects were launched. The construction machinery industry has been pushed to the peak, and blind investment has appeared. Therefore, the competition has intensified and the "siege" complex has appeared. Behind the "siege" of the construction machinery industry is an increasing reshuffle. Said: "Take the excavator industry with huge domestic demand as an example. Judging from the expansion plans obtained by major companies, this year's excavator production capacity will be as high as 300,000 units, which will inevitably lead to overcapacity problems. ". With the expansion of excavator production capacity, market competition will become more intense in the future. If the industry's growth rate is only 5% or less, there will be a "shopping" situation, foreign brands will also be involved, and the situation will be more severe.

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